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The Royal Canadian Legion - Application For Membership

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"Veterans licence plate"

Vive la Canadienne

Click here to access the form "Application for Veteran’s Licence Plate Eligibility Certification".

Click here to access the website of the "Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ)".

► The applicant’s name must appear on the vehicle’s registration certificate issued by the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ).

► Application for Veteran’s Licence Plate Eligibility Certification
  • The applicant must complete the application form and include a photocopy of the proof of service mentioned in the section entitled “Proof of Service to be Included”.
  • A cheque or money order for $15 made payable to the Royal Canadian Legion, Québec Command to cover administrative costs must also be enclosed with the application.
  • The completed and signed application form must be sent to the Royal Canadian Legion, Québec Command at the address given below.
  • On receipt of the application, the Royal Canadian Legion, Québec Command will validate the applicant’s eligibility.
  • If the applicant is eligible for a veteran’s licence plate, the application form bearing the Québec Command seal will be sent to the SAAQ.
  • A copy of this form and of the proof of service will be kept by the Royal Canadian Legion, Québec Command.
  • There is no need to go to a SAAQ office, either to submit your application or to obtain your veteran’s plate.

► Veteran’s Licence Plate Delivery
  • Once the SAAQ has received the application form authenticated with the seal of the Royal Canadian Legion, Québec Command, it will check the applicant’s record and issue an updated vehicle registration certificate and veteran’s licence plate, unless the applicant’s record warrants otherwise. In that case, the SAAQ may contact the applicant.
  • The licence plate and the vehicle registration certificate will be sent by mail, to the applicant’s address that appears in SAAQ files.
  • The SAAQ is now charging a fee of $12.40 for the delivery of the licence plate by mail.

Royal Canadian Legion
Québec Command
105-2727 Saint-Patrick St.,
Montreal, Qc,
H3K 0A8,

For more information:
Toll-free : 1 877 401-7111
Fax : 514 866-6303
Email : info@qc.legion.ca

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