License plate

for Veterans

License plate

The applicant’s name must appear on the registration certificate issued by the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec.
Application for certification of eligibility to receive a veteran’s license plate
  • The applicant must complete the form and attach a photocopy of the proof of service mentioned in the “Proof of service” section.
  • A cheque or money order for $15, made payable to The Royal Canadian Legion – Quebec Command, must also be enclosed to cover administration costs.
  • This form, duly completed and signed, must be sent to The Royal Canadian Legion at the address below.
  • Upon receipt of the application, the Quebec Command of The Royal Canadian Legion certifies that the applicant is eligible to receive the veterans’ plaque, if applicable.
  • A copy of the form, authenticated by the seal of the Quebec Command of the Royal Canadian Legion, is forwarded to the Society, and a photocopy is retained along with any proof received.
  • You don’t have to go to the Society office to apply or to receive your veterans’ plaque.
Presentation of veterans’ plaque
  • The Society receives the form, authenticated by the seal of the Quebec Command of the Royal Canadian Legion, checks the customer’s file and, if everything is in order, issues the new certificate and license plate. In the event of non-compliance, the Company may contact the applicant.
  • The Company mails the new veteran’s license plate and a new registration certificate to the applicant’s address as it appears in its files.
  • SAAQ now charges $12.40 for license plate delivery by mail.
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