Mission LRC

The Royal Canadian Legion - Application For Membership

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Service Officer
Quebec Provincial Command

La Prière en Famille

The services provided by Professional Command Legion Service Officers are free of charge,
whether or not you are a Legion member.

Service Officers: Here to Help

Dominion Command is pleased to share with you a new Service Officer video that is a great educational piece on how SO’s at all levels of the Legion (local branch, Provincial and National levels) assist Veterans.

From emergency funds to benefit applications, CAF and RCMP Veterans can turn to the Legion for help.

Our representation role is mandated through legislation.

A Service Officer can help you!

► The Command Service Officers are:

  • trained,
  • knowledgeable and
  • focused on helping you.

► If you, a friend or family member need help, the Command Service Officer can:

If you, a friend or a family member require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact one of our Service Officers listed below.


Comrade Debra Viskelis
105-2727 Saint-Patrick St.,
Montreal, Qc,
H3K 0A8,
Tel.: (514) 866-7491 ext. 225
Toll free: 1 (877) 401-7111
Fax: (418) 843-2824
Email: dviskelis@qc.legion.ca


Comrade Claudine Huard
104-1930, de l'Interlude
Québec, QC
G3K 0R6
Tel.: (418) 843-7778
Fax: (418) 843-2824
Email: chuard@qc.legion.ca

Documents available for Branch Service Officers

Our Branches

Click on the Branches of your choice to learn more...