Les Filiales au Québec

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Mission LRC

Légion royale canadienne - Demande d'adhésion à titre de membre

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Filiale 071, Brownsburg,

Adresse :

210, rue MacVicar,
Brownsburg-Chatham, QC,
J8G 2Z6

Téléphone :

(450) 533-6381

Fondée le :

29 0ctobre 1936

District :




Google map:

Pour voir comment se rendre à la Filiale 071, Brownsburg en utilisant "Google map", cliquez ici.

Le comité exécutif de la Filiale 071, Brownsburg.
(En date du: 21 mars 2024)
  • Président: Camarade Michel Lepage
  • 1er Vice-présidente: Camarade Nancy Drew
  • Secrétaire: Camarade Joanne Baccardax
  • Trésorière: Camarade Susan Kuhnel
  • Officier d'Entraide: Camarade Marie Godfrey Labonté
  • Présidente du comité du Coquelicot: Camarade Marie Godfrey Labonté
  • Présidente du comité d'adhésion: Camarade Nancy Drew

Donation from the Poppy Funds

September 14, 2024

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Branch 071, on September 14, 2024, were present at the Laurentian Regional High School graduation class of 2024.

It was our honour to present a cheque of $250.00 to Chloe Cameron.

Remembering Afghanistan

March 20, 2024

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Our Legion Branch 071 in honour of the 10th anniversary of the Afghanistan Canadian soldiers returning home presented, during a small gathering to our Silver Cross Mother, Mrs. Monique Chevier, a picture of her son Private Alexandre Péloquin, who died in Afghanistan.

Fifty (50) year plaque on our wall

March 20, 2024

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Our Legion, Branch 071 is around to add another 50-year plaque on our wall.

Mr. Bob Painter has been an invaluable volunteer for many years and continues to offer help in any event.

We had a small ceremony that, unfortunately, he could not attend at the time.

Chief of the Defence Staff Commendation

March 8, 2024

Click on the picture to enlarge.

On March 8, 2024, Captain Stephanie Clubine a member of Branch 071, was awarded a Chief of the Defence Staff Commendation for her work in ensuring the well-being and successful integration of lactating members from the Canadian Armed Forces returning to work.

In 2018, she proposed the authorization and reimbursement of modified t-shirts to support members expressing milk in the workplace; these shirts and the reimbursement strategy were approved in 2021.

In 2022, after over a year's work including research into supporting lactation in the workplace, in military workplaces, and after designing and running a study into Canadian Army workplace lactation experiences, she developed a comprehensive workplace lactation support policy for the 3rd Canadian Division.

This policy, the first of its kind in the Canadian Armed Forces, ensures that members working across the 3rd Canadian Division (which encompasses nearly all Canadian Army formations and units from British Columbia to Manitoba) are able to develop an individual lactation support plan for all of the working environments they operate in.

This policy has since been adapted for use by Marine Force Pacific command for Royal Canadian Navy units on the West Coast.

These initiatives, along with other practical improvements she has implemented, have placed the Canadian Armed Forces at the forefront of NATO countries on this policy matter.

Donation to the CC4 Cadets Lachute

November 6, 2023

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Branch 071 made to the CC4 Cadets Lachute a donation to the amount of $500.00.

Nos Filiales

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