Les Filiales au Québec

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Légion royale canadienne - Demande d'adhésion à titre de membre

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Branch 244,


486, av. Champlain,
Hemmingford, Qc,
J0L 1H0


(450) 247-2962


November 15, 1961


13-Vallée de la Châteauguay



Google map:

To see how to get to Branch 244 using "Google map", click here.

The executive committee of Branch 244.
(Updated on: June 30, 2024)
  • President: Comrade Robert Brown
  • 1st Vice-president: Comrade Christine Taylor
  • Secretary: Comrade Sheila Moore
  • Treasurer: Comrade Sheila Moore
  • Service Officer: Comrade Karl Kramell
  • Poppy Chairperson: Comrade Gabriel Giroux
  • Membership Chairperson: Comrade Sheila Moore

V.E. Ceremony

May 8, 2024

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Soggy, torrential down pour, mixed with a sunburst, rainbows and a lot of puddles graced our ceremony.

About 160 students attended from both the "École Saint-Romain" and “Hemmingford Elementary schools.”

Two Pipers; Wanda Goundry and Robert Waller escorted the students from their school to the Cenotaph.

Comrade Karl Kramell and Comrade Gaby Giroux conducted the ceremony with Father Lanthier.

Comrade Kramell and Comrade Giroux explained the significance to the student of what V.E. Day was all about and how well its celebrated all over Europe.

Four soldiers provided by the Royal Canadian Hussars acted as escorts.

Even with the unpleasant weather there were only smiles on the student’s face.

After the ceremony all students were treated with hot dogs and soft drinks or water.’’

Veteran’s Remembrance Day Lunch

November 4, 2023

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A “Veterans Remembrance Day Lunch” sponsored by our Branch Ladies Auxiliary took place at our Branch last November.

Our Branch Ladies Auxiliary served everyone with a big smile.

The lunch was very much appreciated by all veterans, spouses and visitors.

UN Peacekeeping Ceremony

August 7, 2023

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On August 7, 2023, Branch 244 held their annual UN Peacekeeping Ceremony at the Cenotaph.

At the same time, a new inscription was unveiled on the Cenotaph "Peacekeeper - Gardien de la Paix"

Annual VE Day ceremony

May 8, 2023

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Branch 244 held their annual VE Day ceremony on May 8, 2023 at the Cenotaph.

130 school children attended from école Saint Romain and Hemmingford Elementary School.

The Royal Canadian Hussars from Montreal provided six soldiers that acted as the Colour Party.

After the ceremony all school children were threated with hot dogs and soft drinks.

Nos Filiales

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